Here, at LLPO Law Firm, we are usually humble! Sometimes we get proud. We get proud when we win a “lost case” or when we help the “underdog corporate” ride a market wave. We also get proud when we nurture an against-the-odds start-up to get to commercialisation. Today we are proud because one of our nurtured start-ups is commercialising and getting ready to revolutionise the way we interact with the world around us.
Yes… I know, big words and better they mean something… but this is it Maglid aka “Magic Lid“. One handed… self-actuating… self-closing…Officially Maglid is patented in 72 jurisdictions, after 5 years of research and development, complex legal work and over Euro 2.000.000 of investment. The result… a hard-core engineering invention… maybe one of a scale never seen before developed in our small island. Catch a glimpse in the future of closures!!!
As we all know inventions need practical applications and commercialisation to become useful tools in our everyday lives. The first of such applications is launching now… in the form of a house-ware consumer product.
Teio Solo is a tea storage container with ambitions to solve all the problems involved in storing tea leaves. Explore Teio Solo website and the video below.
The usual question I am asked when I show-case this Company, is whether the people involved are Cypriots. Well… yes! This is a 100% Cypriot Company with 100% Cypriots being involved. The real aspirations of the company are lying with market penetration internationally but I guess we get to try the innovation first with worldwide launch from Cyprus.
Who said that there is no innovation in Cyprus? We are indeed proud!
Teio Solo has recently enrolled in INDEX AWARDS competition and needs the support of everyone!